what is vacation rental structured data

What is Vacation Rental Structured Data?

Vacation rental structured data is a type of schema markup that provides detailed information about vacation properties to search engines. This structured data helps enhance the visibility of vacation rental listings in search results by providing rich snippets and other features that attract potential guests.

Benefits of Vacation Rental Structured Data:

  1. Enhanced Search Listings:
    • Your vacation rental listings can appear with rich snippets in search results, displaying key details such as property name, images, location, rating, and reviews.
  2. Increased Click-Through Rates:
    • Rich snippets and enhanced search features make your listings stand out, potentially increasing click-through rates and driving more traffic to your website.
  3. Better User Experience:
    • Providing detailed information upfront helps users find the vacation properties they are interested in more efficiently, improving their overall experience.

Key Properties of Vacation Rental Structured Data:

  1. @context and @type:
    • Basic properties that define the context and type of structured data, typically set to "@context": "http://schema.org" and "@type": "LodgingBusiness" or "VacationRental".
  2. name:
    • The name of the vacation rental property.
  3. description:
    • A brief description of the property, highlighting its features and amenities.
  4. image:
    • URLs pointing to images of the property.
  5. address:
    • The physical address of the property.
  6. location:
    • The geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the property.
  7. aggregateRating:
    • The average rating of the property based on user reviews.
  8. review:
    • User reviews of the property, including ratings and comments.
  9. priceRange:
    • The price range for renting the property.
  10. amenityFeature:
    • A list of amenities available at the property (e.g., Wi-Fi, pool, air conditioning).

Example of Vacation Rental Structured Data:

  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "LodgingBusiness",
  "name": "Sunny Beachfront Villa",
  "description": "A luxurious beachfront villa with stunning ocean views, private pool, and modern amenities.",
  "image": [
  "address": {
    "@type": "PostalAddress",
    "streetAddress": "123 Beachside Avenue",
    "addressLocality": "Miami",
    "addressRegion": "FL",
    "postalCode": "33101",
    "addressCountry": "US"
  "geo": {
    "@type": "GeoCoordinates",
    "latitude": "25.790654",
    "longitude": "-80.1300455"
  "aggregateRating": {
    "@type": "AggregateRating",
    "ratingValue": "4.8",
    "reviewCount": "120"
  "review": [
      "@type": "Review",
      "author": "John Doe",
      "datePublished": "2024-05-01",
      "description": "Amazing stay with breathtaking views and excellent service!",
      "reviewRating": {
        "@type": "Rating",
        "ratingValue": "5"
  "priceRange": "$$$",
  "amenityFeature": [
      "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification",
      "name": "Free Wi-Fi",
      "value": "true"
      "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification",
      "name": "Swimming Pool",
      "value": "true"
      "@type": "LocationFeatureSpecification",
      "name": "Air Conditioning",
      "value": "true"

Implementing Vacation Rental Structured Data:

To implement vacation rental structured data, embed the JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) script into the HTML of your webpage. This script should include all relevant properties and values as shown in the example above.

By using vacation rental structured data, you can significantly improve the visibility and attractiveness of your property listings in search results, helping you reach more potential guests and increase bookings.

Read more about Google Vacation Rental Structured Data

Maximize Your Vacation Rental Bookings with Expert SEO Services!

Ready to boost your vacation rental visibility and attract more guests? Our expert SEO services can help you implement vacation rental structured data to enhance your search rankings and improve your listings. Visit our SEO Service page to learn how we can optimize your vacation rental properties for maximum exposure and increased bookings. Take the first step towards higher occupancy rates and more revenue today!